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ZK Attendance Management 2008 (Ver 3


# This is a sentence. The ZK Attendance Management 2008 (Ver 3) is an application designed to create Events for attendance management, provide direct communication between the event planners and the attendees, and record Attendance for each event. The purpose of this post is to help you understand how this application works. It was developed by the Pittsburgh Public School district, with over 18 years worth of experience in developing successful software solutions. There are three tabs that can be accessed through the top navigation menu; Home tab, Events tab, and Attendance tab. The Home tab has links to other important pages within ZK (such as Documentation). The Events tab has options of various events that can be created for Attendance Management. The Attendance tab is where the Attendance information for each of the events is recorded. When creating an event, there are three checkboxes that must be checked. These checkboxes will let the developer know that this single event represents all students at a single school, all students in an individual building, or if it is for any group of students who attend multiple schools/schools with multiple buildings respectively. As well as these three boxes, there are other important options within the creation page for this application. The "Start Date" box shows how long the attendance will be taken for this specific event (as well as how to calculate it). The "End Date" box highlights the same information as the "Start Date" albeit for this specific event. The "Status Code:" field is where the courses will be placed into based on what options are selected within the "Courses" tab. The ""All Courses""" is the default setting if none of these options are being used. As well as creating an event, you can also perform update operations with respect to an existing event by highlighting it and selecting the option to update it with respect to attendance records or display statistics with respect to attendance records. There are many other features that have been built into ZK Attendance Management 2008 (Ver 3), all designed for attendance management purposes. # This is a sentence. The ZK Attendance Management 2008 (Ver 3) is an application designed for creating Events for attendance management, providing direct communication between the event planners and the attendees, and recording Attendance for each event. The purpose of this post is to help you understand how this application works. It was developed by the Pittsburgh Public School district with over 18 years worth of experience in developing successful software solutions. There are three tabs that can be accessed through the top navigation menu; Home tab, Events tab, and Attendance tab. The Home tab has links to other important pages within ZK (such as Documentation). The Events tab has options of various events that can be created for Attendance Management. The Attendance tab is where the Attendance information for each of the events is recorded. When creating an event, there are three checkboxes that must be checked. These checkboxes will let the developer know that this single event represents all students at a single school, all students in an individual building, or if it is for any group of students who attend multiple schools/schools with multiple buildings respectively. As well as these three boxes, there are other important options within the creation page for this application. The "Start Date" box shows how long the attendance will be taken for this specific event (as well as how to calculate it). eccc085e13


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